Thursday, September 3, 2015

12 Steps to Joyful Connection

12 Steps to Joyful Connection

1.      Don’t doubt the presence of the holy (guides, angels, teachers, higher power, God).

2.      Be wide open to what you will receive, no expectations or fears, no preconceived ideas or concerns.

3.       Be willing to be changed by the information. Knowing and not knowing are equally glorious states—enjoy it all.

4.      Be totally honest in your questions, your hurts, your desires, dreams and longings. Without that level of honesty with yourself, there is nowhere for us to land.

5.      Hold nothing back from us. Just because we already know doesn’t mean we can act on it without your revelation and request. Share it all with us, not just what you think we want to see.

6.      Love all of yourself, the good, the bad. Laugh at your mistakes and give up on perfection. You can’t do this wrong and stretching is how we all grow.

7.      Let us help you when things get hard.

8.      Stop worrying about past mistakes. People were hurt because that’s how they interpreted things. You were hurt because of your story and interpretation. Shift internally and it all goes away.

9.      Love the people in front of you, strangers in cars, the lover in your bed, the sister on the phone, the friend obsessed with his pain. Love them all and you will mend and heal all wounds.

10.  Be totally present. This is the only moment, so hold it gently and savor.

11.  Open to us often. We are always available, accessible and eager. Do not turn to us for answers only, but affirmation, assurance, and the pleasure of our company would be nice sometimes.

12.  Love and live fully. Be helpful and enjoy. Take care of your heart and your true desires will always be helpful to others. Share what you know now without waiting for it to be perfect, really.

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