Monday, December 30, 2019

Aligning Inspiration and Action

With every inspiration comes the energy to act. This fact has taken me years to realize. How often have I gotten an idea and tucked it away for later because it just wasn’t the right time—to eat better, stop smoking, call that old friend, write down the idea, etc.?

However, when I don’t act on inspiration it becomes a subtle drain on my energy. I try to hold the good idea for later, or I actively push it away because the action seems too hard or too scary, which drains energy away from everything else that I’m doing.

What I’m learning is acting on the inspiration as soon as possible, which turns out to be so much easier! Riding that wave of momentum is a joy in itself and leads to the next action. When I act on an intuitive thought, often the person is available when I call and we don’t play phone tag, or the perfect person is there to receive my idea, or a book I’ve read and want to pass along lands in the right hands.
These micro moments when I listen, acknowledge, then act keep me in alignment with the source of wisdom within myself and the world.

And because I have so much experience hearing that wisdom and guidance but NOT heeding it, I know the cost of the gap between what I want to do and what I’m actually doing. That gap is where addiction, distraction, and old characteristics that no longer serve me get a toehold and take root. Acting on inspiration caulks those cracks and helps me move forward.

It’s not mine to determine the pace of movement or even the outcome. It’s my joy to receive inspiration and to take a step in that direction, over and over again.

Wishing you all the best for a bright, aligned New Year.