Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Signs of Alignment

What adds to the delicious state of being aligned in body, mind and spirit? Seeing a confirming sign that that’s the case.  I still love catching a digital clock at 11:11.

After scratching my car two weeks ago, I’ve been more attentive to lining up spiritually before I take action.  I’m following Christina Baldwin’s advice to “move at the pace of guidance.”  For me, that requires more silence and more space in my schedule.

Last week I was working out of state, had fewer responsibilities with more time between them, and the opportunity to develop trust in Siri, my GPS system. The whole week felt magical and not just because I was near the ocean in bright sunshine.

One of the little signs that confirmed I was moving at the right speed came in a co-op gallery in Santa Monica. I was drawn to a glazed blue bowl because I’d been wanting a new bowl for cereal. When I turned the bowl over to see the price, I laughed.  The sticker had the price, which was reasonable, and JoAnn, the artist’s name.  I bought the bowl.

Another sign confirming my choices was at a meeting I attended. I had many options and randomly selected one. I arrived a few minutes early and introduced myself to the person next to me. He said “I know you. Don’t you work at Hazelden?” and there I was, thousands of miles from home, with a new friend.

These small indications might mean nothing to another person. To me, they confirmed that the time I’d devoted to getting centered and attending to my inner knowing was in right proportion for the day. And while I know I’ll be out of balance again--grouchy, critical, impatient, dissatisfied—knowing I can come back into alignment makes those times interesting rather than frightening.  

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