Monday, September 29, 2014

To Share Is Divine

A couple days ago I was sitting on the dock looking at trees in fall color reflected in a perfectly still lake.  I imagined taking a photograph I could share on Face Book with the caption “My morning view.”  It was the caption that gave me pause. It’s one thing to want to capture a beautiful scene and quite another to narrate it for an audience, isn’t it? Why did I need to share this moment? Is it narcissistic to think people would be interested in where I am this morning? Am I so self-seeking that I need people to validate my life by “liking” it? Despite my quick desire to share, I stayed on the dock and savored the moment, alone, then wrote about it, and then got my phone and took a picture. And posted it.

Experiencing beauty and tranquility is for me a spiritual moment, and spirituality implies connection. Sharing is what we do when we’re in awe or wonder.  My spirit thrives in connection—with other people, alone without an agenda, or with the power of natural beauty. 
 A desire to uplift seems to run through much of my Face Book news feed, in pictures of darling grandchildren or beloved pets, in stories of strangers overcoming adversity. Even messages of outrage at injustice often focus on the ones working with courage and perseverance to right those wrongs.  I suspect we’re inclined to share with others what nourishes our own spirit not only to be helpful but also because sharing what touches my spirit connects me with yours, and that’s how we all progress.