Monday, December 28, 2015

In Word and Deed

In 2015 I focused on three words to guide my decisions and actions: Happy, Healthy, Helpful.  I enjoyed exquisite health this year and moved into greater health regarding my eating.  Today I don’t eat sugar, haven’t for 9 weeks without a day off.  Since I can’t eat sugar in moderation, having none is really the best route for me, and it feels like this has now become a habit. Although I haven’t lost much weight, I have reached a mental clarity that I find exhilarating,  and a level of joyful energy flows through me more often than not. 

I wouldn’t have been able to ride this wave of health without being happy, which is why I put that word first.  For years my happiness has depended on my weight and body size, and that’s a losing proposition.  This year, instead of waiting for results that I thought would make me happy, I went right to the happiness by focusing on the aspects of my life that are working well and being much more consciously appreciative and grateful as a discipline.

How helpful I was this year is harder to measure.  I showed up for work wholeheartedly,  attended my recovery meetings, and sponsored women, whom I speak to weekly. I prayed to be gracious when people came to our home, and now that we’re moving, I’m being helpful in the preparation and facilitation of that process.  

Could I be more helpful? Probably, so I’ll continue the weekly work of self-examination and conversation with a sponsor and the monthly check on my spiritual fitness with my spiritual director because both of those guides help me stay humble, which I suspect is the foundation for being truly helpful.

This coming year, I’d like to be Calm, Clear, and Kind.  

What will your guiding words be next year?


  1. Calm, clear,and kind. Great words in any year, at any time! I think I will make them my own guiding mantra. Actually, I realize I already have. Thanks my friend.

  2. It says "Leo" for some reason, but that las comment was from Holly in B'ton!
