Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Are You Resisting, Complying, Accepting, or Embracing COVID19?

In the midst of the coronavirus calamity, chaos, and crisis, I read a post by someone I respect who said that those of us writing about silver linings, blessings, or lessons were gaslighting those experiencing anxiety, fear, and depression. She pleaded for us to let people be exactly where they are.

I agree that it’s important not to spiritually bypass the challenges inherent in this situation.  My perspective has roots in the privilege of a home, an income, more than enough food and exquisitely good health. Yet might it not be useful to imagine what could shift if we embraced the situation?

Because I’m a big fan of embracing, I’ve thought a lot about how we get there. Because it doesn’t happen with a decision or even a desire. I offer my thoughts on these stages and invite you to notice where you might be.

Ignore: There are video clips of elected officials in this stage.  We may all have ignored the first murmurs about this virus, and if you’re ignoring it today you’re not likely reading this.  Ignorance requires distraction, diffusion, and an insularity that most of us can’t maintain for long.

Resist: Once information, facts , and testimonials about the situation seep in, there is often resistance, active acting against. You might reject information, question sources, or imagine evil motives for any messenger of scary news.  Much of the energy required to live in resistance is spent arguing.

Comply: At this time in the USA, most recommendations for self-quarantine are not mandated or enforced by martial law. Those complying may look for a loophole, a way to game the system, or  follow the rules without being too invested.  “Another trip to the store for crackers” may justify being out and about as usual. Restlessness often accompanies compliance.

Accept: Acceptance comes from a deeper place than compliance, but not as soulful as surrender. When I accept what is happening and what my role in containing the pandemic is, I make necessary preparations for being in place and begin to settle into the possibilities available. Curiosity may accompany acceptance and you might find yourself reading everything that crosses your screen to stay informed. Panic and anxiety diminish with acceptance.

Surrender: With surrender comes an inner tranquility that can’t be manufactured.  The anger of resistance, restlessness of compliance, and ennui of acceptance dissipate. Clarity emerges as you glimpse benefits or lessons for the world and especially growing edges for yourself.   There may be a sense of being “idle and blessed” as the poet Mary Oliver puts it.

Embrace: This full-hearted approach to the situation can be hard-earned.  What seemed to be boundaries, restrictions, or deprivations are perceived with a sense of adventure and even play.  What gets embraced is not just knowledge and information, not just material circumstances, but a deep awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. When you embrace this situation, the days are meaningful, conversations feel timely and grace-filled, observations are keener, creativity flows and epiphanies flood awareness. 

Embracing brings us into Kairos, the Greek concept of sacred timing, in which we tap into the powers that create worlds.

Wherever you are in your journey through these challenging, awakening times, please be gentle with yourself and others, for we are all being invited to notice, adjust, and grow.


  1. Love this! I thought I was surrendered, but I'm actually just accepting what is. Let's see what tomorrow brings

  2. Definitely Acceptance but I have one foot in surrender. Great blog!
