I’m in a new job coaching people who are struggling with and
conquering food addiction. Many resist that label, which is fine with me, as
long as they acknowledge the experience of feeling crummy once certain kinds of
foods are in their bodies and yet reaching for them again and again. Others embrace the word addict because it explains a lifelong struggle, and, once
acknowledged, provides a clear answer for freedom—steer clear of those
substances that are addictive, namely flour and sugar.
While I have embraced the notion of myself as an addict for
well over a decade, the most recent old narrative I’ve had to discard is that I’m
technologically challenged. Working remotely for an online company requires a
bunch of new apps and video conferencing .And I’m doing it! I may not be the fastest learner, but I’m capable
and enjoying these virtual connections-- the meet and greets with other members
of the team, the department meetings with pictures of all of us in front of me,
the poignant calls recorded for others to hear.
I woke up this morning and told Brian I was just so happy.
Sure it’s 28 below zero, sure I didn’t leave the house yesterday, sure I forgot
again to lead the centering exercise before beginning the coaching call. But I’m
in a loving, forgiving, supportive community, which is the safest container in
which to learn.
What are you ready to learn if given the right context and a
warm invitation?